
Aug 16, 20221 min

Scream it Out!!

David wrote music 🎶 to help solve life's riddles or questions.

I know you must have a lot of questions too.

Music is just an expression of what you are feeling.

It releases what we are feeling and it needs to be let out.

I was riding in an Uber taxi one day and the driver heard another car playing music with screaming. He said" that sounds terrible, why do they have to scream?"

I scratched my head thinking is it the screaming that's the problem or the lyrics?

At the same time it's just an expression, and that expression heals a lot of hurt in our lives.

I will turn my ear to a proverb; with the harp I will expound my riddle:

Psalms 49:4 NIV

I thought this was a cool scripture to decode. I hope you enjoyed 😉 this one today‼
